Friday, September 21, 2007

Long time now see!

So just a little update on what has been going on lately.

Right now I am in England, i;m going on a 20 day school with Ellel Ministries. It started Wednesday and will end Tuesday 9th oct. It is really interesting to listen to what they teach, it's alot about inner healing and how to understand who you are. And the great thing about it is that the staff here really live what they teach, thay have all had some hard times in life, and it's so encouraging to hear how God healed them and showed them some core values in the Christian life!

So yeah.. that is what i am doing right now. When I get back home i will just keep on working and see where the next step takes me. It's pretty exciting to find out what will happen this year, cos I have abselutely no clue.. ;)

Talk to you later!


At 10:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so bra du kom inn i england, håper du får oppleve masse nytt ved Gud og lære nye sider med deg selv.


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